
The Vital “V”s - Virtual Fundraising & Video

If a picture tells 1000 words, imagine how much content you can cover in a video… Statistics state that a one-minute video is worth 1.8 million words.

Has an uncertain economic outlook and huge competition for fundraising slowed your firm’s success at generating investor interest?

What does that mean for you as an IR professional? Your job is only getting more challenging  and your role is only getting more attention. Expertly answering the question, “Why should we invest in you?” has never been more important, requiring a response that is best expressed in more than just words.

The value of investing in your firm needs to be displayed and repeated across all steps of the fundraise process, beginning with clearly defining the new fund’s investment and capital allocation strategies.  With most audiences working from home or in hybrid situations, video can vastly expand your tool box. It is the most direct and effective way to walk your investors through your fund strategy… and why you chose early stage, growth equity, big pharma or Asia Pacific.  

Your fund must be remarkable to stand out. That seems obvious I realize, but remarkable means “striking, worthy of attention”, not just really good. How much in-depth knowledge do you have of the competitive landscape, the short term, long term and back-up plan if there is a downturn? You need to cast a wide net to reach current and potential new investors, domestically and internationally.  You cannot be on the phone explaining the fund’s virtues 24X7. You need another vehicle to support your efforts at all hours of the day, across all time zones. That is when you reach into that tool box and pull out your video. A highly designed and engaging video outlining the fund, the competitive landscape and the unique position your firm is in to make this fund soar. It includes highly polished, succinct language that can do more in a few minutes than most people can do in hours. Finally when meeting with potential LPs, your marketing and social media will back up all that you are saying and doing. This is no longer an industry where a website and a social media strategy are “a nice to have.” Marketing for your fund is a “need to have.” A strong website and a powerful social media strategy allow you to position your fund – and your firm – as exceptional assets. . In a virtual world, video is the center of your fundraise strategy.

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